Look "How Far I'll Go!"
I'm so excited to announce the launch of my YouTube Channel! Finally, everybody is going to get to see how far I'll go with my new video that is appropriately titled "How Far I'll Go" from Disney's Moana by Lin Manuel Miranda! Performing with me in this video are my friends Reese Oliveira and Lyza Bull.
We had an amazing time making this video that was directed and filmed by Nick Sales who is THE BOMB! Reese, Lyza and I are all members of One Voice Children's Choir, and it was our amazing maestro Masa Fukuda who did the vocal arrangements for us. David Evanoff did all the instrumentation and sound mixing.
The initial inspiration for our video was Alessia Cara's rendition where she makes tribal symbols in the sand with a rake. Well, here in Utah, we don't have a lot of beaches. But we have a lot of snow! So Reese's mom, Suzy, had the brilliant idea of creating landscape snow art for our video.
We filmed this video at Antelope Island and on The Great Salt Lake December 28, 2016. We were so lucky that it snowed really hard over the Christmas weekend, so we had a lot of fresh powder to work with. Most of the video was filmed at Bridger Bay where there was a ginormous snow field covering the beach. It was there that Suzy made the amazing snowflake that you see in our video. It took her several hours to stomp that shape into the snow, and she even did it without a compass or GPS! That's talent! In order to film this sequence Nick Sales had to use a drone. Drones are not allowed to be used on Antelope Island without a special permit, and we were so lucky that the rangers believed in our project and gave us a permit to film that dramatic scene!
If you're wondering if that is really me paddling out in the middle of the Great Salt Lake, it is! The edges of the water were totally frozen, so we had to step out onto the ice in order to get the canoe in the water. You probably can't tell, but I'm actually wearing a life jacket under my gold coat in the scenes where I'm out on the lake.
One of the funnest things we did for the video was riding in the canoe downhill like a sled. We had to get the canoe down to the water somehow, and it was a lot easier to load up all of our stuff in it and ride down rather than carrying it the whole way. It actually turned out not to be easier, though, because we had to haul the canoe up the hill a couple of times to get all of the shots we needed. Thanks to my mom and Lyza's mom for being tough!
Anyway, I hope you like my video! I'm really excited to do more so keep watching to see just how far I'll go!